The innovative sport program for personal and educational development is for
adolescents and will be applicable in traditional school, for digital home schooling and
hybrid forms of PE. The program consists of 3 modules:
- Physical Health – exercises for better Health habits – Regular Physical activity, Healthy eating, Sleep. 3 types of PA exercises depending on their overall effect on the human body:
• Flexibility exercises that improve the range of motion of muscles and joints.
• Aerobic exercises that increase the endurance of the cardiovascular system.
• Anaerobic exercises that increase muscle strength.
- Mental Health – exercises for better Emotional, Psychological & Social well-being and Protection Against Emotional and Behavioural disorder, decreasing stress hormones; promoting confidence; realizing full potential; coping with uncertainty in life; thinking constructively and positively; acting and working productively; making meaningful contributions to the communities (the focus here will be on the green transition – based on the assumption that European citizens’ health and the planet’s health go together).
- Cognitive Health – Exercises for Better Cognition and Protection Against Cognitive Decline – Improving brain function and memory, Protecting thinking skills, and Boosting adolescents’ concentration.